Wednesday, November 18, 2015

30 Days of Thanksgiving: Day 18--Playhouse

Last year for Christmas, we built our kids a playhouse. When I say "we," I mean two awesome carpenters from school, Jose Angel and Nelson. They did a great job making sense out of my so-called plans, which were very, very rough and written in a strange Spanglish language. We purchased discounted, recycled wood from a ministry sports center, that had used massive amounts of wood to create cement forms for a swimming pool.

As with all toys, this indoor playhouse is sometimes ignored, but I would say that it is used nearly every day at least once, and other days I feel like the entire neighborhood is playing inside, going up and down the slide, and making up imaginary games.

Ruth just went to the market to buy two large slabs of foam, which she had covered with durable, washable vinyl material to make comfy sitting/sleeping areas. Our kids have had many sleepovers in the playhouse, and when we have houseguests, we often ask that our kids will give up their bedrooms and sleep in the playhouse. They are happy to oblige!

The playhouse not only serves as a play area and a bedroom, but also as a giant guest book. We ask that all of our guests have to sign the side wall of the guest house, ideally drawing a little person to fit into the large landscape that represents our awesome community.

We are thankful for the playhouse today, for the men who created it, for the guests that have signed it, and for healthy kids who LOVE to play, play, play!


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