Thursday, November 21, 2013

30 Days of Thanksgiving: November 21--Trampoline

Between all of the houses in our neighborhood you'll find a community trampoline, a joint Christmas present to all the children from all of the parents in La Veranera (last Christmas, so before we moved in!). Not something we'd expect to find in Nicaragua, this "Brinca Brinca" is something we are thankful for. It is well used every day by all of our children. . .Charlotte has no problem jumping with the "big kids" now. Besides Charlotte falling off when getting off by herself a few times (without major or minor injuries!), and Henry getting a little over-zealous while wrestling the neighbor kids, it has been a mostly safe place for our kids to play and "unwind" after a day at school! And you better believe that I (Andrew) am on it daily as well, though some of the kids tell me I'm over the weight limit.

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