Wednesday, February 15, 2017

The ground has been broken. . .

Today, a large group of staff, students, parents, board members, and visitors gathered in an empty dirt field adjacent to Tesoros de Dios to glorify God and give thanks for His faithfulness as we "broke ground" on the new equine (horse) therapy arena. Under the intense sun (yup, I forgot the sunscreen), we sang of God's faithfulness, shared testimonies, and a few of us actually got to use shovels to move a little dirt:)
Moises helping warm up the piano

Wendy, the program director. . .

About half of the group was on the other side of the wall; wheelchairs weren't able to get over the wall safely (and there was shade!)

One of the groundbreakers, Stephanie!

Michelle, the director of Tesoros de Dios

The kids breaking ground. . .

God truly is good! All of the money has been raised for the purchase of this new land and the construction of the covered therapy building, a wall around the arena, and stables ($95,000!). We continue to look forward to phase two of Tesoros de Dios construction--new classroom space, therapy areas, and a vocational building for older students. . .but first things first! Please take a moment to pray that the city will quickly grant the necessary permits to begin the actual construction. We're ready. . .but the paperwork is not--and in Nicaragua, this process can be lengthy. 

This empty lot will soon be used for so much more! The current Tesoros de Dios buildings are to the left. 
The board will continue to work on raising funds for these additional projects, but I think it is very appropriate to sit back, look up, and say "thank you!" to God for His perfect provision through his people all over the world.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Fifty-five pounds

The lesson I did at House of Hope yesterday was based on Mathew 6:26-27: 
"Look at the birds. They don't plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them.  And aren't you far more valuable to him than they are? Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?" 

Later, I realized how hypocritical this lesson was coming from me, especially at House of Hope. Most of the time I spend thinking about House of Hope is filled with worry:

 "What in the world am I going to talk about?"
and then after I finally figure out what to talk about:
"How in the world am I going to say that in Spanish?"


"How am I going to fill an hour and a half of time for 50-70 teens and kids?" 
And then I think,"We should do a craft--they love crafts,"
which leads to:
"Where am I going to find the time and money to prepare crafts for 70 people each week?"

I have been trying to plant and harvest and store (Matthew 6) in an effort to solve these problems on my own, but I have been failing.
But, I know in God's eyes,
this ministry is valuable,
that the women and kids who come each week are valuable,
that I am valuable.

And this past week, I was reminded that God will take care of me, and these women and children, in this ministry. This reminder arrived in the form of a 55 pound box on flight UA 1421 with my mom on Thursday evening.

I had emailed a friend from our home church just 2 weeks before to ask her to help with the "Where am I going to find the time and money to prep crafts for 70 people each week?" dilemma.  In those 2 short weeks, she and a group of women from my church bought and prepared 20 different crafts (each for 70 people!) for me to use at House of Hope.  And since then, they have made 20 more! This will provide crafts for the women and children at House of Hope for almost a year.  I am so thankful for this hands-on, touchable reminder of God's provision and love.

We were able to do one of the crafts yesterday, and here are some pictures: