It summer vacation! And that means that most of the NCA/missionary community in Nicaragua packs their bags and heads off to the US for 4-6 weeks. Normally, we are a part of this mass exodus, but this year for a variety of reasons, we are sticking around.
As the "stayers," there are a few perks... each person we say goodbye to leaves us their unused food, so our cupboards are full. The other thing our friends are leaving behind are their pets. And we, as the stayers, end up caring for them. So, we are hosting a dog, a cat, a bunny, and a monkey in addition to the monkey we already have! Henry will also be getting a bird this weekend.
Today is Day 3, and our kids are still thrilled to have these animals around, and motivated to fulfill the duties that are required to care for them. They have each adopted an animal or two to feed and care for:
Charlotte and Buddie |
Charlotte and Buddie (again) |
We are considering charging admission to our zoo to supplement our missionary support... if you are in the area, stop by and we will give you the friends and family rate!