Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Sometimes all it takes is writing a depressing blog post

Practicing doing postpartum exercises with your baby in today's childbirth class

Exactly 4 weeks ago today, I wrote a blog post about the discouraging attendance at the childbirth class I lead once a week.  That week, we had placed posters in 5 "pulperias" (little corner-stores, pronounced "pooperias," much to our children's delight) and one clinic inviting all pregnant women in a large neighborhood in Managua to attend a special event about Postpartum Depression with a visiting psychologist.  We even advertised that there would be free snacks!  I brought 2 extra large loafs of bread, 4 packages of this orangey sandwich spread that Nica's love, 4 two liters of juice, and 32 bananas, and was worried that I wouldn't have enough.

Two women showed up, both an hour into our 2 hour class.  Each went home with a loaf of bread, juice, sandwich spread, and a huge bunch of bananas.  I left that day feeling very discouraged (not just because only two women showed up, but also because the visiting physiologist commended me on my courage in using Spanish which I "obviously hadn't mastered").  I honestly felt like giving up, and that's essentially what I wrote in my post that day.

I received many kind and encouraging words, and even some helpful suggestions in response to the post that I was so thankful for, but I still wasn't sure what the future held for our group of pregnant women.

And then....

I don't know what changed--I certainly know that I didn't do anything different--but since that post, 6 new women have signed up for the class.  The week after our failed special event, 5 women showed up.  The following week, 6 women were there.  Today, 8 women came!  I have no explanation for our suddenly growing group, but I do know that it is a gift from God--the affirmation that I needed to feel like what I am doing IS indeed worth it and a part of the perfect plan that He has for me.  I am so thankful for this reminder that God is present in our ministries, even when we are discouraged and full of doubt.

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